Get to Know Trade Lines Closely and Learn What It Does!


Trade Lines Logistics, which is the only authorized official agency in Turkey of All-Forward, one of the first digital freight forwarding platforms in the world, has served in important positions in Turkish and international global companies for many years and has been working in transportation and logistics. It was founded in 2022 by a well-equipped and dynamic think tank with high-level experience in the sector.

Trade Lines Logistics, as a result of the collective and long studies of all the experience, work and knowledge of this distinguished team from the past. As a result of coming together with a carefully selected professional operations team, it completed its structuring process in a short time and took its place in the sector.

Trade Lines provides cost-effective services to its customers and business partners with its local and international solution partners and widespread agency network. continues its activities in line with the principle of producing fast, effective and sustainable business solutions.

Trade Lines has adopted the mission of providing reliable, transparent and quality service, aiming primarily to fulfill its commitments and responsibilities towards its customers and business partners.

Trade Lines manages all transportation processes both efficiently and environmentally friendly with an innovative approach, guided by the principle of respect for people and nature, while closely following all technological developments in the sector, and being aware of its environmental responsibility.






Engin Köle
Sales Manager
+90 216 499 99 59 (109)            +90 538 394 59 93


Melisa Tataroğlu
Sales and Marketing Executive
+90 216 499 99 59 (104)
+90 538 594 59 93

Büşra Şahsenem Bilim
Operations Specialist
+90 216 499 99 59 (102)
+90 538 697 59 13

Berkcan Soylu
Operations Executive
+90 216 499 99 59 (103)
+90 538 697 59 23

Fatih Sonat
Office Manager
+90 216 499 99 59 (105)
+90 533 697 59 13

Anıl Ulutaş
Assistant Operations & Finance
+90 216 499 99 59 (108)

Kadriye Demirkır
Business Development Manager
+90 216 499 99 59 (110)
+90 544 241 37 34

Fatih Sonat
Office Manager
+90 216 499 99 59 (105)
+90 533 697 59 13

Demir Ferhat Bilal
General Manager
+90 216 499 99 59 (101)
+90 531 541 38 86





Over Years of Experience
Over Years of Experience
Official Agent Worldwide
Official Agent Worldwide
Expert Staff
Expert Staff
Contracted Agency
Contracted Agency
Shipment to Country
Shipment to Country
Trade Lines

Trade Lines Logistics aims to provide reliable, fast and cost-effective solutions to its customers in the field of international transportation, logistics and foreign trade. With its customer-oriented approach, Trade Lines works to meet your transportation needs in a customized and trouble-free manner. Using its global connections, it helps you strengthen your supply chain and grow. By using the latest technologies in the industry and with an experienced team, Trade Lines has adopted the mission of turning logistics challenges into opportunities, keeping customer satisfaction at the highest level and maintaining its reliability as a partner in the transportation world.

Trade Lines

Trade Lines' vision is to contribute to a sustainable future by using technology to connect worldwide supply chains and deliver excellent logistics services. By maintaining the trust environment we have created with our customers, we work passionately to support the growth of our business partners and employees and to offer the best logistics solutions to make world trade more integrated.

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